Navigating this Website
As in Victorian Decorative Art, the doorknobs are grouped by shape and pattern. Click the letter for that classification in the menu at the top of every page. You can then scroll down that page to see the many varieties, and can click on the picture of a doorknob to open a new page which features known information about that doorknob, additional photographs, and origins.
Table of Contents
The letter classifications below group doorknobs by the pattern of the knob. Groups C and N are based upon the actual shape of the knob, while the others generally are the design pattern on the face of the knob. Materials such as wood, composites, glass and porcelain/minerals are also grouped together. Click on the Picture below to visit that page or use the list of letters which correspond with each classification in the Menu.
A Representative Designs
Recognizable designs of animals, people, or objects.
B Asymmetric Designs
Single overall design on the surface.
C Odd Shaped Knobs
Not round or oval knobs which are most common. Include hexagonal, curvaceous, rectangular, or unusual patterns.
D Field or Diaper Patterns
An overall pattern that does not fit into another description
E Spirals and Swirls
Pattern is in the form of a spiral or swirl
F Twofold Symmetry
Knobs with an identical pattern that is repeated only once
G Threefold Symmetry
Knobs with an identical pattern that is repeated three times
H Fourfold Symmetry
Knobs with an identical pattern that is repeated four times
I Fivefold Symmetry
Knobs with an identical pattern that is repeated five times
J Sixfold Symmetry
Knobs with an identical pattern that is repeated six times
K Eightfold Symmetry
Knobs with an identical pattern that is repeated eight times
L Radial Patterns
Pattern emanates from the center outward to the edge of the knob
M Concentric Patterns
Patterns form concentric circles from the center to the edge of the knob
N Oval Knobs
Oval in shape and may have any type of design on them
P-100 Seals
Customized for government buildings.
100-Federal; 120- New York; 122-New Jersey; 124-Massachusetts; 126- Illinois; 128-Connecticut; 130-Pennsylvania; 132-Kentucky; 134-Texas;
135-Arizona; 136- Ohio; 138 -Missouri; 140-Nebraska; 141-Delaware; 142-Minnesota; 144-Oregon; 146-Tennessee; 148 Virginia; 150-Wisconsin;
152-Montana; 153-Georgia; 154-Louisiana; 158-Indiana; 160-Oklahoma; 161 Colorado; 162-Washington; 164-California;
166-Michigan; 180-Canada
P-200 Symbols, Logos, Words & Numbers
Customized for companies and organizations.
P-400 Multi-Letters
The knobs on this page are listed in alphabetical order according to the first or most pronounced letter. Knobs with two letters are listed first. The H group includes knobs with x HS (for High School) and the N group includes knobs with NB (for National Bank). The choice as where to list is not always clear-cut. It may be necessary to search using each letter.
P-600 Schools
Customized for public schools and colleges
P-700 Single Letters
Customized for buildings or companies.
P-800 Fraternal/Service
Customized for fraternal & service organizations.
R- Glass
Doorknobs made of glass
Doorknobs made of glass